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"Most precious thing pure soul and circulating heart "

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"A smile is a curve, that sets everything straight

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"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge! "

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"Journey if get tired, learn to rest, not quit.."

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"Pure water is the world"

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"We are, what we Believe we are!!! "

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"Live in the sunshine.."

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"Destiny,  when it is all finished,  you will discover, it was never random "

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"Beauty is God's handwriting! "

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"Big results require big ambitions! "

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"An enthusiastic  heart finds opportunities everywhere! "

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"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are!"

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"Faith is Unquestioning belief!"

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"High performance begins with clarity! "

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"I like to do new things, so I always take on roles that I feel will keep on my toes.  So I always like to surprise myself.  I believe in versatility and so I would play with anything as long as it was a challenge!"

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"People with great passion can make the impossible happen!"

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"Fearless: If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun! "

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"Patience is also a form of Action!"

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"Winner: I have missed more than shots in my career"

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"Wake up with determination, 
Go to sleep with satisfaction"

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"Home is not a place it's a feeling"

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Quality is your Identity"

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"Wherever life plants you, bloom with Grace."

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"Don't stop until you are proud"

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"Never stop dreaming"

"Do what is right not what is easy"

"Making the earth Green is our own duty"

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"Never regret anything that made you smile.."

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"Attitude determines Attitude..

"Everything you can imagine is real"
"I dream my painting and I paint my dream!"

"Life's trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them change who you are..”
