

"Ah! don't you remember, 'tis almost December,, And soon will the holidays come;, Oh, 'twill be so funny, I've plenty of money,, I'll buy me a sword and a drum. ", , Thus said little Harry, unwilling to tarry,, Impatient from school to depart;, But we shall discover, this holiday lover, Knew little what was in his heart., , For when on returning, he gave up his learning,, Away from his sums and his books,, Though playthings surrounded, and sweetmeats abounded,, Chagrin still appear'd in his looks., , Though first they delighted, his toys were now slighted,, And thrown away out of his sight;, He spent every morning in stretching and yawning,, Yet went to bed weary at night., , He had not that treasure which really makes pleasure,, (A secret discover'd by few)., You'll take it for granted, more playthings he wanted;, Oh naught was something to do., , We must have employment to give us enjoyment, And pass the time cheerfully away;, And study and reading give pleasure, exceeding, The pleasures of toys and of play., , To school now returning­to study and learning, With eagerness Harry applied;, He felt no aversion to books or exertion,, Nor yet for the holidays sigh'd.
